Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time Warp

Time flies whether I'm having fun or not.

Working in a busy Tax Office leaves little time for much else from January till now.

I almost forgot that I even started this blog site. Ahhhh well - no harm done!!

Suddenly it's june in Texas and the temperatures hover near 100 degrees almost everyday.

I did manage to put in a small garden and things are trying to produce despite the heat and lack of rain. In the mean time the bluejays are enjoying the tomatoes more than I am.

I purchases a couple of rubber toy snakes and placed near the tomatoe plants but they are having no effect at all. Maybe a scare crow is in order.

Okra, cucumbers and zuchini squash are coming along nicely.

Most of my craft projects have been put on hold until recently.

There will be a new grandson in our lives in August so I am working on a baby quilt as well as crocheting one. Mostly I work on them in the evenings while watching TV.
This is going to be my next project this summer.
I hope to find a solar powered pump so I won't have to connect electricity.
I can't wait to see what the grandkids do when they see this out in the back yard.
Wish me luck - the more I look at this - the more it looks like a whole lot of work.
More Later.....

1 comment:

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I want to see pictures of the baby craft projects!

And damn is hot here too!