Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday - back to work.

I should have known better than to try to make plans for the weekend.
Do you know what the worst thing in the world is for anyone who still sleeps on a "water bed" ? Yep - waking up with wet feet. What a lovely way to start the day at 5:15 am on Sunday. HAHA - I only thought I was going to sleep in late.

Row, Row, Row your boat - gently up the stream.......
Somehow - things just did not work out the way I thought they would. On the positive side of the weekend - I did get a lot of good excercise. Hauling the garden hose in and out - wrestling with the old bladder and then shopping in a hurry to get a new one in place so I would have somewhere to sleep Sunday night. 300 gallons of water out and then 300 gallons of water in....

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