Friday, November 2, 2007

My Second Attemp

Yesterdays attempt didn't work so well. Guess I will give this a second try.

I work so hard to avoid situations that tend to make me feel stupid.....and so far this blogging is doing exactly that.

The photo above is the newest addition to my family. She is 3 months old and so far I have not been able to come up with a name. Nothing seems to fit. She is a Min-Pin so it stands to reason that she needs a BIG name. So far the only name we've used is "Lil-Bit".

Introducing a new puppy to the pack we already have has proven to be a whole lot of fun. I keep telling my husband that there is a limit of 4 animals per family and now that we have reached our limit - I can not bring any more home. (legally) ???


Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

I bet you find your way around that pesky number thingy!

She is a sweetie!

Flutterby said...

4 animals total?? Does that include everything like... birds.. rabbits.. and what about the freaking fish?? Mindy could tell you I could SO not live in your town!! I have 3 dogs, a house rabbit, two birds and no idea how many fish! Welcome to Blogland!!

Deb said...

huzzah - Mindy found us another blogger! Welcome to all of the fun. And not being a dog person, I don't know if cats really count... I mean, THEY don't know they are animals! :)
